The CDCTrusted Source recommends that all people wear cloth face masks in public places where it’s difficult to maintain a 6-foot distance from others.
This will help slow the spread of the virus from people without symptoms or people who don’t know they have contracted the virus.
Cloth face masks should be worn while continuing to practice physical distancing. Instructions for making masks at home can be found here.
Note: It’s critical to reserve surgical masks and N95 respirators for healthcare workers.
Follow the tips below to help protect yourself and others from a SARS-CoV-2 infection:
Wash your hands. Be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water. If this isn’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that has at least 60 percent alcohol rushed Source.
Avoid touching your face. Touching your face or mouth if you haven’t washed your hands can transfer the virus to these areas and potentially make you sick.
Maintain distance. Avoid close contact with people who are ill. If you’re around someone who is coughing or sneezing, try to stay at least 6 feet away.
Don’t share personal items. Sharing items like eating utensils and drinking glasses can potentially spread the virus.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Try to cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or into a tissue. Be sure to promptly dispose of any used tissues.
Stay home if you’re sick. If you’re already ill, plan to stay at home until you recover.
Clean surfaces. Use household cleaning sprays or wipes to clean high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, keyboards, and countertops.
Keep yourself informed. The CDC continually updates information trusted Source as it becomes available, and the WHO publishes daily situation reportsTrusted Source.