Author Topic: What should Dengue Patients eat?  (Read 404 times)

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What should Dengue Patients eat?
« on: July 28, 2019, 11:55:21 AM »
To fight with the Dengue infection, the patients need to improve the immune system through eating the right food. Patients and their families should take care about the diet during and after the dengue fever which helps to heal the body and in fast recovery. Certain foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients suggested while dealing with this virus, which are

Fluids: Plenty of liquids like orange juices, coconut water, ginger water and ORS water are recommended to keep the body hydrated.
Papaya Leaves: One of the traditional and effective medicine which helps to recover from Dengue is the juice of papaya leaves. 2 tablespoon papaya leaf juices are suggested by the doctors. The diet should also contain green leafy vegetables for better recovery.
Porridge: This is the best food that helps to fight with deadly virus of dengue as it delivers a great amount of energy and also easy to swallow for the patient.
Herbal Tea: The flavour of ginger and cardamom of natural herbal teas, contain antioxidant help to reduce the fever make the patient feel light and energetic.
Protein rich food: Milk, egg and other dairy products must be consumed to battle with this virus. Non-vegetarians can go with the fish and chicken in a good quantity once start recovering from the fever.
Soups: Hot soup intakes will enhance the strength and helps to fight with joint pain. This will also help in increasing the appetite and improve the taste of mouth.