Author Topic: EECP Treatment for Heart Disease  (Read 440 times)

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EECP Treatment for Heart Disease
« on: September 16, 2019, 12:08:56 PM »
What Is EECP?

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is a non-surgical outpatient procedure that lowers the number and intensity of angina episodes by improving heart and blood vessel function. The basic principle of EECP treatment involves increasing the amount of blood returning to the heart, which helps to supply more oxygen to its starved areas. With more oxygen available, the heart can function much more efficiently and therefore reduce chest pain.

Treatment Procedure

Treatment is administered through three pairs of external inflatable cuffs that are applied around the lower legs, upper legs and buttocks. These cuffs continuously inflate and deflate between the resting period of the heartbeat and increase blood returned to the heart. The treatment schedule includes 7 weeks of continuous treatments, which require daily visits for one hour duration.

Who Is Eligible for EECP Treatment?

•   Have Chest pain (angina)
•   Heart medication no longer relieve chest pain
•   Had no prior bypass or stenting but continue to suffer from angina
•   Had bypass surgery, angioplasty or other invasive procedures and symptoms have returned
•   Have Chosen not to have any further surgery, angioplasty or other invasive procedures

Benefits of EECP Treatment

•   Less time for treatment
•   No hospitalization
•   No medication
•   No risk and side effects

In clinical Research trials, EECP has been shown to improve blood flow to deprived areas of heart muscle, relieve occurrences or lessen the intensity of angina attacks in Patients who are not responding to medical therapy, eliminate or reduce nitrate use, and improve ability to exercise. With constant courses of EECP treatment, heart failure can be improved.