Author Topic: Blood Pressure Chart: Low, Normal, High Reading by Age  (Read 374 times)

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Rasel Ali

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Blood Pressure Chart: Low, Normal, High Reading by Age
« on: August 31, 2019, 10:52:43 AM »

Blood pressure table showing if adults and children have high, low, or healthy average blood pressure range for their age, includes other helpful cardiac-related information.

Systolic Pressure is the blood pressure reading when your heart beats - the first or top number.

Diastolic Pressure is blood pressure measurement when your heart relaxes - the second or bottom number.

Main Document
High blood pressure often does not cause any signs of illness that you can see or feel. Which is why it is important to make an appointment with your doctor - or another healthcare provider - to check your blood pressure. It is recommended that you get your blood pressure checked at least once every year by a healthcare provider. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure (or other related conditions), your doctor may recommend that you get it checked more often.

What Does Blood Pressure Refer To?

Blood pressure refers to the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels and constitutes one of the principal vital signs. The pressure of the circulating blood decreases as blood moves through your arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins. The term blood pressure generally refers to your arterial pressure, i.e., the pressure in the larger arteries, arteries being the blood vessels which take blood away from the heart.

Blood pressure is always given as two numbers;

Systolic Pressure (when the heartbeats)
Diastolic Pressure (when the heart relaxes)
When the measurements are written down, both are written one above, or before, the other with the systolic being the first number, for example, 120/75.

Blood pressure is NOT the same as your heart rate (pulse) or maximum heart rate. You can check what your heart rate for your age should be here and/or calculate your predicted maximum heart rate by using the calculation: 220 - (age) = Age Predicted Maximum Heart Rate, or see our Target Heart Rate Calculator and Chart.


What is Classified as LOW Blood Pressure?
Low Blood Pressure Range
Blood pressure that is too low is known as Hypotension
Systolic pressure (mm Hg)   Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)   Pressure Range
90   60   Borderline Low blood Pressure
60   40   Too Low Blood Pressure
50   33   Dangerously Low Blood Pressure

What is Classified as NORMAL Blood Pressure?
Normal Blood Pressure Range
Systolic pressure (mm Hg)   Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)   Pressure Range
130   85   High Normal Blood Pressure
120   80   Normal Blood Pressure
110   75   Low Normal Blood Pressure

What is Classified as HIGH Blood Pressure?
High Blood Pressure Range
If one or both numbers are usually high, you have high blood pressure (Hypotension)]
Systolic pressure (mm Hg)   Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)   Stages of High Blood Pressure
210   120   Stage 4
180   110   Stage 3
160   100   Stage 2
140   90   Stage 1

What Should Blood Pressure be According to Age?

Approx. Ideal BP According to Age Chart
Age   Female   Male
1 - 2   80/34 - 120/75   83/38 - 117/76
3   100/59   100/61
4   102/62   101/64
5   104/65   103/66
6   105/68   104/68
7   106/70   106/69
8   107/71   108/71
9   109/72   110/72
10   111/73   112/73
11   113/74   114/74
12   115/74   116/75
13   117/75   117/76
14   120/75   119/77
15   120/76   120/78
16   120/78   120/78
17   120/80   120/78
18   120/80   120/80
19-24   120/79   120/79
25-29   120/80   121/80
30-35   122/81   123/82
36-39   123/82   124/83
40-45   124/83   125/83
46-49   126/84   127/84
50-55   129/85   128/85
56-59   130/86   131/87
60+   134/84   135/88
Measuring Your Blood Pressure
Healthcare professionals use a stethoscope and a manual sphygmomanometer to measure your blood pressure. Typically they take the reading above your elbow. The sphygmomanometer has a bladder, cuff, bulb, and a gauge. When the bulb is pumped it inflates the bladder inside the cuff, which is wrapped around your arm. This inflation will stop the blood flow in your arteries. The stethoscope is used to listen for the sound of the heartbeat, and no sound indicates that there is no flow. As the pressure is released from the bladder, you will hear the sound of the blood flowing again. That point becomes systolic reading. The diastolic reading is when you hear no sound again, which means that the blood flow is back to normal.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?
A diagnosis of high or low blood pressure requires only one measurement, either systolic or diastolic, or both, to be outside the healthy range. For many people who with higher than normal blood pressure there is no obvious cause why their blood pressure is high. Some factors that may contribute to high BP include:

Sleep apnea
Too much salt
Being overweight
Lack of exercise
Chronic kidney disease
Adrenal and thyroid disorders
High average alcohol consumption
Family history of high blood pressure
Signs of high blood pressure include headache dizziness, pounding in ears, and a bloody nose. These symptoms typically don't occur until high blood pressure has reached an advanced and even a possibly life-threatening stage.

Blood Pressure 100 Plus Your Age
Medical research shows that as we age blood pressure rises slightly to accommodate the increased demand for oxygen and nutrients. It is completely natural for the first number (systolic) to be 100 plus your age. A recent study by a group of UCLA researchers came very close to corroborating Dr. Piette's guide for a blood pressure of 100 plus your age for men, subtracting 10 for women, and this is after this rule had been in use for five or more decades. Are we now being taught that Dr. Piette's guide for blood pressure is wrong merely for drug company profit?

Symptoms of a Heart Attack

The heart requires blood to bring oxygen, and nutrients to its muscle tissue. The narrowing of the arteries due to blockage can cause high blood pressure. If this blockage occurs in the arteries of the heart, coronary arteries, heart muscle damage can occur, resulting in a heart attack.

Some heart attacks are sudden and intense, however, most heart attacks start slowly with mild pain and discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Shortness of breath may occur, as well as nausea, or lightheadedness. It is vital to get help immediately if any of these symptoms occur.

Symptoms of a Stroke
The brain requires unobstructed blood flow to nourish its many functions. Very high, sustained blood pressure will eventually cause blood vessels to weaken. Over time these weaken vessels can break, and blood will leak into the brain. The area of the brain that is being fed by these broken vessels start to die, and this will cause a stroke. Additionally, if a blot clot blocks a narrowed artery, the blood ceases to flow and a stroke will occur.

Symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body, confusion, trouble speaking, or seeing sudden severe headache. If you or someone with you has one or more of these signs, don't delay, call 999

Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

You have diabetes.
Your diet is high in saturated fats.
You consume more than two alcoholic drinks per day.
You have high blood pressure or need medication to control your blood pressure.
You have high cholesterol levels or need medication to control your cholesterol level.
You exercise less than 30 minutes per day - Inactivity puts a person at higher risk of developing heart disease.
You are overweight - Persons that have an excess of body fat are at a higher risk than persons of normal weight.
You are over 40 or a post-menopausal woman - Risk of heart disease increases over the age of 45 in males, over 55 in females.
Family History - Children of parents that developed heart disease before the age of 55 have a higher risk of developing heart disease.
You smoke - Cigarette smokers are at greater risk than pipe and cigar smokers, but all forms of tobacco are proven to be detrimental to the hearts health.
If you answered yes to one or more of the above, you should talk to your doctor about how you can reduce your risk through lifestyle modifications. Your doctor will determine if preventative therapies such as ASPIRIN 81mg are right for you.

Blood Pressure Medications
There are several types of blood pressure medications and if one doesn't work, then ask your doctor to switch to another until your blood pressure becomes stable.

Adalat - A dihydropyridine calcium blocker. It is mostly used for treating hypertension and Angina Pectoris. Other conditions that benefit from Adalat are Raynaud's phenomenon, Tetanus and Angina Pectoris. Brand names of the drug include Procardia and Medical.
Aldactone - While regularly prescribed for high-blood-pressure patients, the drug can also be prescribed along with other drugs. However, the drug is useful only for controlling, rather than curing, high blood pressure.
What is Angina?
Angina is a form of heart disease where the blood flow to the heart is restricted by a blockage in one or more of the arteries that carry blood into the heart. Usually, the first sign Angina is a pain in the chest, not unlike a squeezing or pressing sensation.

Printable Average Blood Pressure Reading Chart
Printable Blood Pressure Chart

Printable Blood Pressure By Age Chart

Printable blood pressure according to the age chart

Source: Internet.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 11:10:00 AM by raselali »
Rasel Ali